- You are unable to pee with a strong stream
- your sexual ability may have slowed down
- You may have an enlarged prostate
We are an affiliate to Amazon Shopping and are able to recommend temporary relief.
Meanwhile you can
Limit beverages in the evening.
Don't drink anything for an hour or two
before bedtime in order to avoid middle-of-the-night
trips to the toilet.
Limit caffeine and alcohol.
They can increase urine production,
irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms
We are an affiliate to Amazon Shopping and are able to recommend temporary relief.
Increase your ability to Pee freely with a strong flow and enhance your sexual ability.
I apologize but I'm going to get all technical and shit,
. . . here goes . . .
The prostate is a small, muscular gland in the male reproductive system.
Your prostate surrounds your urethra and makes most of the fluid in your semen. The muscular action of the prostate helps propel the fluid and semen through your penis during sexual climax. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) occurs when the cells cause your prostate gland to swell, which limits urine flow.
These additional cells
BPH isn’t the same as prostate cancer and doesn’t increase your risk for cancer. However, it can cause symptoms that can affect your quality of life. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent long-term complications.
You are able to increase Pee-Flow yourself by taking over the counter medication
but let me be clear, you still need to verify symptoms by a medical practitioner. √
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